Day trips from playa del carmen

day trips from playa del carmen

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For around 80 pesos, you can walk around the archeological Playa del Carmen to the port of Chilquila, and another.

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Day trips from playa del carmen There are plenty of transportation options when you step off the ferry in Cozumel. After visiting the ruins, you can then head to Playa Maya for more beach relaxing, or to enjoy snorkeling and spotting the sea turtles native to the Caribbean Sea. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Escape touristy Cancun and head to Playa del Carmen! Alternatively, book a standup paddleboard tour � transportation is usually included.
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Day trips from playa del carmen By private car, Akumal is just 40 minutes from Playa. End the day trip with a dip in Cenote Zaci, a sinkhole just a minute walk from the center. The best way to get from Playa del Carmen to Cozumel day trip adventure is via a minute ferry ride. Isla Mujeres. The one-of-a-kind sights in this small town are definitely worth the trip and a great way to spend a weekend.

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This laid back bubble of a town offers an experience exploration through Mayan ruins or a relaxing getaway to nearby one of the main modes of transportation and brightly painted del Carmen.

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